
Over the course of extensive practice, the lawyers of our office have acquired in-depth knowledge in law practice and experience in various legal spheres. Each member of our team is an acknowledged expert in his or her selected field, providing a quality advisory service on legal matters both in Estonia and internationally. The division of tasks inside the office and good teamwork is what makes our work efficient. Our working languages are Estonian, English, Russian and Finnish. 

As a conscious choice, we have concentrated our activities on providing legal assistance for business customers in three major fields – commercial, contract and administrative law. 

Our priority areas are representation at the Court of Arbitration, law of obligations, property law, building law, tax law, representation in court, intellectual property protection, European Union law, administrative law, environmental law, media law, maritime law, bankruptcy law, succession law, family law and labour law. Nonetheless, despite the aforementioned, we are ready to advise and contribute to all other matters of legal concern, the resolution of which is important enough for you to engage in a high-standard legal assistance. 

In our daily work, we choose an action plan that is based on the specific needs of the client and is orientated towards an efficient final result. Besides standard legal services, our flexible and client-oriented approach enables us to provide an efficient solution for other issues required by the client. 

By valuing the time of our clients and the maximum possible efficiency of our activities, we closely cooperate with other experts of particular fields: accountants, notaries, bailiffs, trademark attorneys, auditors, economic analysts and others.  

In our activities, we are above all orientated towards achieving the result desired by our client, which is achieved thanks to the competence and long-term experience of our lawyers. 

Wishing you pleasant cooperation,

Your Law Office